
Telecom companies collect massive data continuously from both the network infrastructure and the subscribers’ usage of services. TAZI continuous learning makes it possible to leverage this data in real time for ML modeling in an extremely efficient way. TAZI models come with actionable insights, enabling business decision support.

  • Wholesale Fraud Detection
    TAZI Wholesale Fraud Detection Solution is a powerful no-code machine learning solution designed to help businesses in the Telecom industry prevent wholesale fraud and minimize financial losses. The solution provides businesses with the ability to analyze large volumes of data in real time, identify suspicious activities, and take appropriate actions to prevent fraud before it occurs.

    With TAZI Wholesale Fraud Detection Solution, you can detect and prevent various types of wholesale fraud, including SIM box fraud, roaming fraud, device fraud, and more. The solution analyzes various data sources, including call detail records, network logs, and customer profiles to identify suspicious activities.


    • Prevent financial losses by detecting wholesale fraud early and taking action to mitigate the risk.
    • Improve customer trust and loyalty by detecting and preventing fraudulent activities.
    • Reduce operational costs associated with fraud investigations and recovery.
    • Improve regulatory compliance by detecting and preventing fraud in real-time.
    • Increase efficiency by automating the fraud detection process.
    • Identify and mitigate fraud trends before they become widespread.
    • Improve risk management by using data-driven insights to make informed decisions.
  • Anomaly Detection
    TAZI Anomaly Detection Solution is an advanced machine learning solution that helps businesses in the Telecom industry detect and prevent anomalous events that could impact network performance, customer satisfaction, and revenue. The solution uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze large volumes of data in real time, identify abnormal patterns, and provide businesses with actionable insights to mitigate risks.

    With TAZI Anomaly Detection Solution, you can detect various types of anomalies, including network anomalies, device anomalies, and customer behavior anomalies. The solution analyzes various data sources, including network logs, customer interactions, and device metrics, to identify unusual patterns that could indicate potential issues.


    • Prevent network downtime and maintain high-quality service levels by detecting and resolving network anomalies in real-time.
    • Improve customer satisfaction by detecting and resolving device anomalies before they impact the customer experience.
    • Increase revenue by detecting and preventing fraud and other revenue-threatening anomalies.
    • Reduce operational costs associated with manual detection and resolution of anomalies.
    • Improve regulatory compliance by detecting and resolving anomalies that could result in compliance breaches.
    • Increase efficiency by automating the anomaly detection process.
    • Improve risk management by using data-driven insights to make informed decisions.
  • Campaign Response Prediction
    TAZI Campaign Response Prediction Solution is an innovative machine learning solution designed to help businesses in the Telecom industry predict customer response to marketing campaigns and optimize their marketing strategy. The solution uses advanced algorithms to analyze historical data, customer behavior, and other relevant factors to accurately forecast customer response to marketing campaigns.

    With TAZI Campaign Response Prediction Solution, you can predict the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, identify the best marketing channels and messaging strategies for different customer segments, and optimize your marketing spending to maximize ROI.


    • Improve marketing effectiveness by accurately predicting customer response to marketing campaigns.
    • Identify the most effective marketing channels and messaging strategies for different customer segments.
    • Optimize marketing spend and maximize ROI by targeting customers with the highest propensity to respond to your campaigns.
    • Increase customer engagement and loyalty by delivering personalized and relevant marketing messages.
    • Improve customer acquisition by targeting new customers with the highest propensity to convert.
    • Increase efficiency by automating the campaign response prediction process.
    • Improve data-driven decision-making by using predictive insights to optimize marketing strategy.
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    Adaptive Machine Learning for You